Lincoln County Incident video

Lincoln County Incident - 1980

Lincoln Films - 47 min.

Cast: Steven Trail (Narrator), Shand Simms, Cornelia Schaap, David Wright, Stephen Meyer, Grant McPhie and Fluff the Wonder Cat.
Screenplay: Tony Brittenden; Director of Photography: Bob Brittenden; Composer: Dorothy Buchanan; Costume Designer: Rosemary Barnett; Director and technical producer: Tony Brittenden.

Samson Peabody-Jones sets out to conquer the untamed west in 1881, in this remarkable film featuring a cast and crew of 100 talented school children. You'll enjoy the escapades of Peabody-Jones as he braves the frontier in search of adventure and finds a life of danger as well as rewards. It takes a miner's ghost, a mysterious parcel and finally the U.S. Cavalry to bring the story to a happy ending. A recommended featurette, with an excellent and original soundtrack score, but very difficult to find.

Censor Rating: G - Review Rating: C+

Lincoln County Incident
Official MP4 Trailer


No known sources for new copies in any format. Extremely rare VHS tapes. Expect to pay dearly for a used copy in either NTSC or PAL. No known DVD copies. Ebay would be your best bet for finding used copies.

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New Zealand Film Archive Info

Four Word Film Review

An extremely polished comedy Western made by the students and staff of Lincoln High School in Christchurch. The pint-sized hero is Samson Peabody-Jones (Simms), whose stature stands in comic contrast to the greatness of his name and the enormity of his courage, which is severely tested by ghostly apparitions, unshaven villains, and a bar-tending floozie. The discovery of a dead prospector's map sends Jones - resplendent in green velvet knickerbockers - on his way through the contusion colours (yellow rocks, green ranges, blue skies) of 1881 New Mexico, accompanied by a chicken and a narration whose authentic American accent lets the cast concentrate on getting the action on the screen rather than the kiwi out of the voice. Full of charm, the film has the audacity to decorate its Wildish West with a telephone, a Coca-Cola can, and an anarchic ending; and the aplomb to get away with it.
Source : Time Out Film Guide 13

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