
Hidden - 2005

Archetype Films/Infinite Films - 93 min.

DVD UPC/EAN # 9421016370610; 9318500023520

Cast: Luke Alexander, Dana Bernard, Hayley Halliday, Kiel McNaughton, Suzanne Sharp, Sarah Jane Wright.
Screenplay:Tim McLachlan; Photography: Tim McLachlan; Editor: Shane Lynch, Gavin Endicott; Music: Hirini Melbourne, Richard Nunns; Producers: Michael McLachlan, Murray Hutchinson; Director: Tim McLachlan.

Deep within a forest, at a faraway adventure camp, a group of young 'camp leaders' play a fast and furious game of 'hide and seek'. The atmosphere is strange and thick with tension - there is a feeling in the air that all is not well. Alliances are formed; relationships are tested, and in some cases disintegrate to the point of violence. All the while they are being watched by someone... or something. At the climax, the mystery begins to unravel as everything becomes suddenly and painfully clear.

Censor Rating: M - Review rating: C

Official MP4 Clip


As of March 2012, this title is OOP and therefore new copies are unlikely to be found, but used may be located in New Zealand or Australia. Rental copies are available in New Zealand from sources such as Aro Video in Wellington, but that only works out for NZ residents. The last known selling price for new copies was $30nz. This R0 PAL disc is presented in its original 1.85:1 widescreen format with 2.0 digital stereo. The only extra is a 30 minute behind the scenes "Making of" featurette. There are no subtitles.

Aro Video of Wellington has DVD copies for rent to any New Zealand address

Alice in Videoland of Christchurch has rental copies available for New Zealand addresses


It is available streaming online free from NZOnScreen

WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog - Click to find the nearest Library that has this title.


No known soundtrack cd of this title.

MP3 clip from this title's soundtrack

SOUNDTRACKS VAULT - Link to MP3 samples of all titles


Cinema Aotearoa Reviews

Reviews at Letterboxd.com

'Like Mike' DVD Review at voxy.co.nz

Scary Minds Review

Moria Review

User Comments at IMDB

Sept. 2005 - RebelFest International Film Festival - Toronto (World Premiere) - Director's Prize
Sept. 2005 - Harlem International Film Festival - New York - Best Feature Film
Oct. 2005 - F.A.I.F. International Film Festival - Hollywood - Best Director


VIDEO VAULT - Links to trailers and clips for all titles.

The Making of Hidden documentary (30 min.)

Information at IMDB

Internet Movie Poster Awards

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