NOTE: Link to "Sneak Peek Trailers - New NZ Films soon to be on DVD, Blu-ray or Streaming.
As of 01 January 2025, I have found 276 titles that can be viewed by online downloading or streaming via Amazon, iTunes, Google, Hulu, NZFC, Microsoft, Vudu, Vimeo, NZOnscreen and some others
(NOTE: YouTube is not linked (with the exception of 'Hidden' since their offerings are really Google whose links are provided). These sources are mostly only accessible within specific territories.
I do not suggest that these are the only sources for streaming or downloading of New Zealand features. The label "Streaming" is meant to include downloading for a fee. To the best of my knowledge,
these are all legal sites. I do NOT knowingly link to pirate sites. IMDB (International Movie Datebase) ratings with a (?) after them are questionable due to their small number of votes.
Titles with no IMDB ratings are ones that have not yet received IMDB's minimum of five votes!